
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

General Reminders :

6th Grade

Social Studies 6 -   test this Friday, Chapter 1. Study guide on new google classroom!

Religion 6 -

Math 6-

Literature 6 -

Language 6 -

Science 6 -

Spanish 6-

Computer/PE/Music/Library -

7th Grade

Social Studies 7 -

Religion 7 -

Math 7C -

Math 7D -

Literature 7 -

Language 7 -

Science 7 -

Spanish 7-

Computer/PE/Music/Library -

8th Grade 

Social Studies 8 - do only page one of the study guide!

Religion 8 -

Math 8C -

Math 8D -

Literature 8 -

Language 8 -

Science 8 -

Spanish 8 -

Computer/PE/Music/Library -