
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

General Reminders :

6th Grade

Social Studies 6 -

Religion 6 -

Math 6-

Literature 6 - In Class: 6-Minute Podcast E5
Homework: None

Language 6 - In Class: Assigned Noun Study Guide 
Homework: POW-Vacation Spot (DUE 12/11) and Noun Study Guide (DUE 12/11) STUDY FOR NOUN TEST ON FRIDAY! 

Science 6 - In Class: Cell Theory Notes (page 40 of notebook)

**If you missed the notes or need a copy of the handout, Google Classroom "1.36 Cell Theory Notes" has the information you need.

Spanish 6-

Computer/PE/Music/Library -

7th Grade

Social Studies 7 -

Religion 7 -

Math 7C-

Math 7D-

Literature 7 - In Class: Listened and read A Christmas Carol (7C read p. 18-22 and 7D read p. 16-20)
Homework: None

Language 7 - ZOOM!  Complete the spelling worksheet that we went over in the zoom session.  Test is tomorrow.  Also, you may choose 1 grammar assignment to redo BY TUESDAY if you would like to earn a better grade on that assignment.

Science 7 -  In Class: Completed the Explosions in Human Populations Handout
Homework: If you didn't complete the Lift-off Task of Unit 2 Project Organizer, make sure to complete it.

Spanish 7-

Computer/PE/Music/Library -

8th Grade 

Social Studies 8 -

Religion 8 -

Math 8C -

Math 8D-

Literature 8 - Reading Log #3 assigned on Google Classroom.  Do 20 minutes of reading and complete the reading log.

Language 8 - In Zoom we played a Kahoot over the stories in this unit.  If you still need to present your Hero's Quest project, be sure it is ready to go tomorrow!

Science 8 - Reviewed comparative DNA as evidence of evolution.  We had a Quizizz competition to review the types of evidence of evolution.  Practice link here.

Spanish 8 -

Computer/PE/Music/Library -